Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I got 'em!!!

When I woke up Monday morning of the long weekend, I found something made just for me!!

It's been a long search hoping to stumble upon a creative "hand made" candle making apparatus.   I was shopping at Staples, and  I saw the neatest little "ornament" that looked like if you put two together, it could function as my tool!  I asked the guy who was working that day what it was.  I won't say, because it's too funny, and.... some things just need to stay a secret in the candle making business!!!

 A friend of ours is really good at making...basically anything.  A few weeks ago when he was here I showed him what I bought.  He said he can easily turn that into a tool for me.  Was I ever excited!

I was groggy Monday morning because of the gardening I did the day before.  As I walked by the dry sink at the front door, something caught my eye! How cool!  The funny thing I bought at Staples was actually transformed into my hand dipping birthday candle tool!!!

I want to thank our good buddy Keven for finding the time to make this happen for me!!! I am so grateful!!!  Shhhhh, this is a secret you must hold forever!!!!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

May 24 Long Weekend.

Today I went to the bird sanctuary near Valens with Todd's cousin and her two kids.  I was surprised to see all of the birds, I think, were handicap in some way.  One was missing an eye, ones wing was, well, really weird.  I don't really know how to describe it!  I think this place rescues injured wild life, and rehabilitates them.  I am really impressed.  Just in case anybody is curious about the wedding paper, well.... I got sick and couldn't get out to pick it up!  I hope it's there Tuesday!

Have a great long weekend everyone!